02921 921790

Cuttable products… How PPd is the option for you.

The product cutting feature of Pick Pack Direct suits businesses that for example, order a full reel of plastic tubing and need to sell this by the meter. The system allows you to only sell what you have full lengths of.
To expand on this further, let’s say you have two lengths of cut cable. One length is 6 meters, and the other is 4 meters. Traditional systems would say you have 10 meters of cable in stock. But, what if a customer orders a length cable of 10 meters, with this method you would not be able to fulfil the order.
With Pick Pack Direct, the system knows you have 10 meters in stock, but only a 6 meter and a 4 meter sellable.
To take this example further, you could then sell a 2 meter length of cable and that will leave you with a 6 meter sellable and then a 2 meter sellable always taking the cut of the shorter length.
Example of industries where this would be useful;

  • Raw metal supplier of both sheet material and reeled material.
  • Electrical company that charges cable used for fittings and jobs.
  • Air conditioning company that extraction piping.